Blah Cats


更新于 2022-05-18

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2021-01-11 Browsing the registry in kernel-mode windows ‧ hugsy
2020-12-30 Cheap sandboxing with AppContainers windows ‧ hugsy
2020-06-16 Enumerating processes from KD windows ‧ hugsy
2020-06-16 Some toying with the Self-Reference PML4 Entry windows ‧ hugsy
2020-03-10 An unexpected logic bug on Win32k windows ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Small dumps in the big pool windows ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Scripting with Windows Root Directory Object windows ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Goodbye VirtualBox, hello Hyper-V windows ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Quick visualization of a binary file cheatsheet ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Some Time Travel musings windows ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Fuzzing arbitrary functions in ELF binaries fuzzing ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Building a Debian Stretch QEMU image for AARCH64 howto ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 FlareOn 4 WriteUps reverse ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 Arbitrary Write primitive in Windows kernel (HEVD) windows ‧ hugsy
2019-05-08 First exploit in Windows Kernel (HEVD) windows ‧ hugsy

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