财经 285个
1 Galxe集成索尼L2网络Soneium Minato测试网
2 产权市场Color与Web3音频转换协议Alphant达成合作
3 Hedera推出资产代币化工作室,旨在为符合监管要求的RAW资产提供一体化工具包
4 Chainbase Genesis参与钱包地址突破1500万
5 Heroes of Mavia:红宝石市场第一阶段将于9月16日启动
6 Pencils Protocol宣布与Babylon达成合作
7 Animoca Brands日本子公司将在Orbs运行验证节点
8 Band Protocol 推出 v3 版本,公共开发网络将在几个月后推出
9 上海数据交易所赵永超:沪港融通 数据资产通证化的上海探索
10 Gitcoin 与 Octant 达成合作,启动二次融资(QF)
11 DWF与UXLINK成为战略合作伙伴
12 Conflux Network宣布与阿里云达成合作
13 Nubit:Alpha 测试网第三阶段即将上线
14 gm.ai:GM总供应量的10%将用于验证者奖励
15 Solv协议宣布将主网BTC和BTCB列为首批SolvBTC储备资产
16 Squads宣布推出Squads Policy Network
17 Mitosis正寻求第二轮融资,即将发布激励测试网
18 bitSmiley推出多链稳定币计划
19 Sharpe AI:SAI TGE活动已上线Intract
20 Polyhedra Network:将为治理参与者提供新SBT徽章
21 L1链Vanar将于8月5日开放Velocity和Galxe Vanguard测试网参与者奖励申领
22 Zero1 Labs宣布将于2025年推出全同态加密EVM网络Cypher
23 Colorpepe 已完成流动性添加,市值最高触及 1000 万美元
24 Pixelverse:封闭Beta版注册现已开放白名单
25 AI驱动数据平台DAOBase完成600万美元融资
26 Puffer:UniFi Quest #2已上线Galxe,提供1000万Puffer积分
27 Solana官方中文社区宣布完成品牌升级
28 Ultiverse 推出链上程序化内容生成技术
29 Ava Labs创始人:同意Vitalik观点,政治投票不应取决于候选人加密货币立场
30 Omni面向开发者发布Omega测试网
31 Stella Pay 推出可定制化的加密资产支付和投资白标服务
32 RWA项目SkyTrade完成Pre-Seed轮融资,Modular Capital与Portal Ventures领投
33 Solv Protocol 推出 1260 万枚 SOLV 代币空投活动
34 AO 生态项目 Apus 发布去信任化的 AI 模型 Benchmark
35 AirDAO:新的销毁策略即将出台,投票拟于本周启动
36 Mint Blockchain 启动主网活动 Mint Expedition
37 zkLink Nova 宣布 Aggregation Parade 第二季已正式开始
38 MRC20 Protocol将对Cetus用户开启定向空投计划
39 API3:OEV Network 主网正式上线
40 Backpack Wallet 已全面支持 Polygon 网络
41 Aptos 基金会将于 8 月 1 日举办首届线上全球黑客松 Code Collision
42 Scallop:账户历史记录功能已上线
43 Nillion:社区轮分配代币已发出
44 Parallel L2启用提款功能
45 Web3游戏OUTA即将上线TON网络
46 Kakarot公共测试网阶段已上线,并计划推出测试网社区积分系统
47 Superposition L3 Testhub已上线
48 BNB链上meme公平发行平台Four.Meme将于今日上线
49 金融科技公司Mesh与Conio合作在欧洲推出比特币开放银行解决方案
50 Mineral:即将进行快照,请所有MNER持有者移除LP并跨链至Merlin链
51 StaFi发布Q3路线图,重点关注模块化LSaaS及其采用
52 MANTRA在Base链上推出OM流动性池
53 Secret Network的机密计算层已与Scroll集成
54 比特币L2网络 Mezo 推出 crvUSD 质押功能
55 Backpack Wallet:已全面支持 Base 网络
56 Astar Network:NFT市场Sonova已正式推出
57 Ergo协议公布Crystal Pool、Duckpools和Analog Ergo为ErgoHack VIII获胜者
58 BounceBit拟于7月推出Easy和Superfast两款新产品
59 Sun Protocol 宣布完成第一轮种子轮融资
60 CKB 和资产管理项目 Mobit 达成战略合作
61 Aethir宣布将Axelar集成为官方桥接平台
62 Sei生态借贷协议Yei Finance已上线空投积分系统
63 Adsgram上线Telegram messenger
64 Ring Protocol 已推出代币 Ring并开放积分兑换通道
65 Shibarium与DePin项目AIRian达成合作
66 SOLLONG基金会宣布3000万美元新资助计划
67 Meteora宣布推出Blinks功能
68 Layer3推出可编程代币分发工具Milestones
69 跨链引擎及流动性协议Symbiosis推出TON Bridge v1
70 Owlto Finance推出Blast跨链任务积分奖励
71 MakerDAO和Sherlock将合作举办价值135万美元的安全审计竞赛
72 Zilliqa推出多签安全钱包服务Zilliqa Safe
73 Blast代币发行协议ZAP完成35000 Blast Gold空投发放
74 CKB 宣布与 Bool Network 战略合作
75 Cosmos官方推出链间聚合器IOBScan
76 Nubit Alpha测试网进入第二阶段
77 Rabby Wallet:Season 2积分申领截至7月1日
78 欧洲央行宣布 48 名参与者参与批发 DLT 试验
79 Arbitrum 已推出 Layer Leap 服务,支持从 L1 跨链至 L3 Orbit 链
80 SafePal:已将AirDAO集成至SafePal钱包套件中
81 Degen:Airdrop 2第五季延长至7月4日
82 Phoenix宣布与Neo建立战略合作伙伴关系
83 NFT项目Nobody App端新增积分功能
84 Aptos:Nodev1.14.1已发布,建议7天内升级
85 Pendle宣布分配100万枚ARB奖励给选定的Arbitrum LPs
86 Lido宣布引入社区质押模块
87 Sei链现已集成至DeBank
88 BNB Chain宣布推出TVL激励计划#3
89 对冲基金Numerai推出加密市场预测平台Numerai Crypto
90 Moonbeam开发者关系工程师团队成立咨询公司PaperMoon
91 分析:Renzo引入REZ质押功能三周后,已有7300万枚REZ被质押
92 EthSign宣布推出SignPass,通过兼容护照系统的链上可验证ID为用户提供便利
93 Solayer:Epoch 1将于今日恢复,考虑引入INF
94 Succinct开启完全开源zkVM审计竞赛,奖金11万美元
95 Cysic推出早期访问计划,允许ZK项目使用加速硬件与去中心化网络
96 Open Campus推出EDUPool,质押EDU可获得合作方空投
97 Web3射击游戏XOCIETY NFT质押活动将于今日开启
98 链游Swords&Dungeons将于今日20点开启二测
99 Taiko:GitHub帐户绑定以接收空投分配的截止日期为今晚9点
100 Bitcoin Well在加拿大推出闪电网络支付服务
8 分钟前
Latest News
1 U.S. stock indexes close mixed on Friday, Dow up 0.09%, S&P 500 down 0.19%, Nasdaq down 0.36%
2 S&P500, Nasdaq erase decline, Dow up 0.16%
3 JNJ: Plan would resolve 99.75% of all pending talc lawsuit
4 JNJ: Red River increased settlement commitment to about $8B
5 JNJ unit seeks Chapter 11 for third time over baby power suits
6 JNJ gets 83% of baby powder victims to agree to new talc deal
7 United States CFTC crude oil speculative net positions actual: 145.3k. Previous: 140.0k.
8 United States CFTC S&P 500 speculative net positions actual: -122.9k. Previous: -59.4k.
9 Switzerland CFTC CHF speculative net positions actual: -17.1k. Previous: -21.3k.
10 Canada CFTC CAD speculative net positions actual: -73.2k. Previous: -69.0k.
11 United States CFTC silver speculative net positions actual: 58.3k. Previous: 44.7k.
12 United States CFTC soybeans speculative net positions actual: -134.6k. Previous: -144.2k.
13 United States CFTC corn speculative net positions actual: -66.3k. Previous: -47.8k.
14 United States CFTC Nasdaq 100 speculative net positions actual: 19.2k. Previous: 25.6k.
15 United States CFTC natural gas speculative net positions actual: -89.6k. Previous: -87.6k.
16 United Kingdom CFTC GBP speculative net positions actual: 63.0k. Previous: 90.3k.
17 United States CFTC gold speculative net positions actual: 310.1k. Previous: 282.5k.
18 United States CFTC copper speculative net positions actual: 19.7k. Previous: 12.8k.
19 United States CFTC aluminium speculative net positions actual: 3.2K. Previous: 2.4k
20 Intel shares resume trading, extend gain to as much as 7.9%
21 Intel shares halted due to volatility after surging 5.9% on reports of Qualcomm approaching Intel for a potential deal
22 Qualcomm shares fall as much as 4.9% to session low following report of Qualcomm approaching Intel for a potential deal
23 Intel shares hit session high, rising 1.5%, after reports of Qualcomm approaching Intel for a potential deal
24 Qualcomm has approached Intel about deal – DJ
25 TWU: Tentative extension features double-digit raises
26 Transport Workers Union: Tentative AAL contract extension
27 IMF Managing Director appoints Yan Liu as general counsel and director of the legal department
28 U.S. Aug. cattle feedlot placements fell 1.4% from year ago
29 U.S. Aug. cattle sold from feedlots fell 3.6% from year ago
30 U.S. Aug. milk production at 18.815 bln pounds – USDA
31 Paypal:Paypal Ventures reinforces support of Chaos Labs with additional investment
32 Fed's Harker: There's a risk inflation could stall, and there is a risk that the US labor market could soften.
33 Fed's Harker: I see risks to inflation and employment as balanced.
34 Longevity biomedical &FutureTedch II Acquisition Report merger
35 Brent Crude futures settle at $74.49/bbl, down 39 cents, 0.52%.
36 Satisfyer announces extensive expansion to 6,700+ CVS stores
37 Peru sol currency moves -0.33% to close at 3.758/3.760 soles per dollar
38 Peru's Central Bank places currency swap of 945 mln soles
39 CVC, Elliott are said to be interested in acquiring Vue cinemas
40 NYMEX WTI Crude October futures settle at $71.92 a barrel, down 3 cents, 0.04%.
41 NYMEX Natural Gas October futures settle at $2.4340/MMBtu.
42 NYMEX Gasoline October futures settle at $2.0364 a gallon.
43 NYMEX Diesel October futures settle at $2.1615 a gallon.
44 Debris from a Russian missile damaged a civilian ship under the flag of Antigua in Ukraine’s Black Sea port of Odesa - Bloomberg
45 Biden readies $375 million arms aid package for Ukraine - Reuters
46 France’s budget deficit could reach 6% of economic output this year without new measures to curb spending or increase tax, Les Echos reported
47 Fed's Harker: The Fed has done a good job navigating economy.
48 B. Riley shares surge up to 12% following Reuters report of potential $100M+ unit sale talks.
49 Enfusion is interviewing investment banks to explore options including a potential sale – Reuters citing sources
50 Enfusion shares halted for volatility after jumping 14%
15 分钟前
1 光大证券-技术择时系列报告-基于阻力支撑相当强度(RSRS)的市场择时
2 国信证券-机器学习法选股
3 光大证券-经典量化择时策略系列二-宏观因子模型的择时效应
4 光大证券-技术指标高频系列(一)——基于KDJ优化指标的高频交易
5 方正证券-“聆听高频世界的声音”系列研究(三)-跟踪聪明钱:从分钟行情数据到选股因子
6 华安证券-“学海拾珠”系列之一百七十三-基于端到端神经网络的风险预算与组合优化
7 信达证券-红利策略宝典:从经验逻辑到可落地的增强方案
8 渤海证券-多因子选股系列专题报告之一-多因子模型初探
9 浙商证券-机器学习与因子(四):遗传规划:模型、优化与应用
10 浙商证券-金融工程研究报告-量化投资算法前瞻:强化学习
11 光大证券-量化选股系列之七-如何准确测算预期股息率
12 光大证券-量化选股系列报告之五-高质量股票池构造体系
13 华西证券-行业景气轮动研究-行业景气变化因子驱动的行业轮动
14 信达证券-资产配置研究-基于行业动量的固收加产品设计
15 热门研报
16 关于大模型的落地使用
17 业内实践
18 论文
19 Predicting NVIDIA's Next-Day Stock Price:A Comparative Analysis of LSTM, MLP, ARIMA, and ARIMA-GARC
20 配对交易在数字货币期货上的研究和实现
21 低延迟趋势线与交易性择时-短线择时策略-广发证券20130726
22 【方正金工】波动率的波动率与投资者模糊性厌恶——多因子选股系列研究之五
23 【方正金工】成交量激增时刻蕴含的alpha信息——多因子选股系列研究之一
24 【方正金工】个股成交量的潮汐变化及“潮汐”因子构建——多因子选股系列研究之二
25 【方正金工】个股波动率的变动及“勇攀高峰”因子构建——多因子选股系列研究之三
15 分钟前
1 OpenAI's Hottest Ticket in Tech
2 Astrotalk's Rise is a Sign of New Age?
3 Adani Group Eyes Cementation Takeover
4 Zomato Faces GST Demand
5 Telcos Lose AGR Battle in Supreme Court
6 SpiceJet's Tax Troubles
7 Reduction Into Anil Ambani’s Debt Stress
8 Unilever's Luxury Leap: Hourglass Lands in India
9 New Player in the Quick-Commerce Game
10 Bajaj Housing Finance IPO: A Stellar Debut
11 Adani Group Wins Big in Kenya
12 Quick Commerce Reimagined by Blinkit, Zepto
13 Bajaj Housing Finance IPO Allotment Delayed
14 Sebi Drama Continues With Full Flare
15 Telecom Titans Unite Against Spam
16 SpiceJet's Engine Troubles Grounded
17 Samsung's India Shuffle
18 SEBI Chair Under Fire
19 Kenya's Adani Airport Deal on Hold
20 Swiggy's IPO Appetite Grows
21 Uber's Rising Demand: Can They Keep Up?
22 IndiGo Soaring to New Heights
23 Matrix India Goes Solo: A New Beginning
24 Mahindra Unveils Electric Four-Wheeler: e-ZEO
25 India's Chip Dreams Get a Boost
26 Zepto's IPO Ambitions
27 Vodafone Idea Takes a Dive
28 BigBasket's B2C Unit Shows Growth
29 Reliance Bets Big on FMCG
30 Britannia Eyes Northeast Snack Market
31 Nykaa Takes Legal Action Against Former CBO
32 Nvidia's AI Dominance Under Scrutiny
33 Byju's Gets Rid of US Lenders
34 The Great Dark Store Dash
35 UPI Circle: A New Way to Pay for the Family
36 Indian Bank's Buyout Drama
37 IT Giants See Uptick in BFSI Spending
38 PayU's Big Plans
39 Black Box Eyes Indian Data Center Market
40 Infosys Hiring Freeze: Students Facing Scam?
41 Zepto's Rocket-Fueled 3.5x Growth
42 Vistara Takes a Backseat
43 HCLTech's Global Ambitions
44 Adani's Wealth Soars Despite Hindenburg Drama
45 Zerodha's Merging Trading and Mutual Funds
46 Apple Tunes In with Airtel
47 Amazon's Quick Commerce Charge
48 Zomato-Paytm Merges for Entertainment
49 Apple's New CFO: An Indian-Origin Tech Whiz
50 BigBasket Goes Quick!
51 Tata Sons Prevents De-Listing With ₹20,000 Crore
52 Adani Group's Debt: A Growing Reliance on Domestic Lenders
53 Tata Digital's New Game Plan
15 分钟前

