Nucleic Acids Research - current


1. MADDD-seq, a novel massively parallel sequencing tool for simultaneous detection of DNA damage and mutations
2. A new perspective on microRNA-guided gene regulation specificity, and its potential generalization to transcription factors and RNA-binding proteins
3. Ubiquitinated histone H2B as gatekeeper of the nucleosome acidic patch
4. Induction of bacterial expression at the mRNA level by light
5. Discovery of antiphage systems in the lactococcal plasmidome
6. Highly sensitive mapping of in vitro type II topoisomerase DNA cleavage sites with SHAN-seq
7. H3T11 phosphorylation by CKII is required for heterochromatin formation in Neurospora
8. Stress granule formation helps to mitigate neurodegeneration
9. Central role of SUMOylation in the regulation of chromatin interactions and transcriptional outputs of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells
10. CRISPR perfect adaptation for robust control of cellular immune and apoptotic responses
11. Loss of the DNA repair protein, polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase, activates the type 1 interferon response independent of ionizing radiation
12. High-throughput determination of RNA tertiary contact thermodynamics by quantitative DMS chemical mapping
13. CoPixie, a novel algorithm for single-particle track colocalization, enables efficient quantification of telomerase dynamics at telomeres
14. TRF2–RAP1 represses RAD51-dependent homology-directed telomere repair by promoting BLM-mediated D-loop unwinding and inhibiting BLM–DNA2-dependent 5′-end resection
15. High ionic strength vector formulations enhance gene transfer to airway epithelia
16. Quantifying allele-specific CRISPR editing activity with CRISPECTOR2.0
17. Unraveling the structure and function of a novel SegC protein interacting with the SegAB chromosome segregation complex in Archaea
18. The complete pathway for co-transcriptional mRNA maturation within a large protein of a non-segmented negative-strand RNA virus
19. Engineered transcription activator-like effector dimer proteins confer DNA loop-dependent gene repression comparable to Lac repressor
20. Solution structures and effects of a platinum compound successively bound MYC G-quadruplex
21. Understanding the relationship between sequences and kinetics of DNA strand displacements
22. Structural insights into the assembly of type IIA topoisomerase DNA cleavage-religation center
23. The cullin Rtt101 promotes ubiquitin-dependent DNA−protein crosslink repair across the cell cycle
24. The translesion polymerase Pol Y1 is a constitutive component of the B. subtilis replication machinery
25. Molecular basis of RNA recombination in the 3′UTR of chikungunya virus genome
26. RNA encoded peptide barcodes enable efficient in vivo screening of RNA delivery systems
27. HYENA detects oncogenes activated by distal enhancers in cancer
28. A UTP3-dependent nucleolar translocation pathway facilitates pre-rRNA 5′ETS processing
29. The human mitochondrial translation factor TACO1 alleviates mitoribosome stalling at polyproline stretches
30. ADBP-1 regulates ADR-2 nuclear localization to control editing substrate selection
31. CRISPR-Cas12a exhibits metal-dependent specificity switching
32. Sampling globally and locally correct RNA 3D structures using Ernwin, SPQR and experimental SAXS data
33. Differential processing of RNA polymerase II at DNA damage correlates with transcription-coupled repair syndrome severity
34. DNA cytosine methyltransferases differentially regulate genome-wide hypermutation and interhomolog recombination in Trichoderma reesei meiosis
35. Instability throughout the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome resulting from Pms1 endonuclease deficiency
36. CLOCI: unveiling cryptic fungal gene clusters with generalized detection
37. GSearch: ultra-fast and scalable genome search by combining K-mer hashing with hierarchical navigable small world graphs
38. Adenovirus small E1A directs activation of Alu transcription at YAP/TEAD- and AP-1-bound enhancers through interactions with the EP400 chromatin remodeler
39. The critical role of the iron–sulfur cluster and CTC components in DOG-1/BRIP1 function in Caenorhabditis elegans
40. SMCHD1 activates the expression of genes required for the expansion of human myoblasts
41. Loss of Lamin A leads to the nuclear translocation of AGO2 and compromised RNA interference
42. CyCoNP lncRNA establishes cis and trans RNA–RNA interactions to supervise neuron physiology
43. BOD1L mediates chromatin binding and non-canonical function of H3K4 methyltransferase SETD1A
44. Small RNA-mediated genetic switches coordinate ALG-3/4 small RNA pathway function
45. Asymmetric bulges within hairpin RNA transgenes influence small RNA size, secondary siRNA production and viral defence
46. RESC14 and RESC8 cooperate to mediate RESC function and dynamics during trypanosome RNA editing
47. Structure and RNA-binding of the helically extended Roquin CCCH-type zinc finger
48. Phosphorylation of the nuclear poly(A) binding protein (PABPN1) during mitosis protects mRNA from hyperadenylation and maintains transcriptome dynamics
49. Resolution of ribosomal stalling by EF-P and ABCF ATPases YfmR and YkpA/YbiT
50. Mapping the structural landscape of the yeast Ty3 retrotransposon RNA genome
更新于 59 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-09-09 MADDD-seq, a novel massively parallel sequencing tool for simultaneous detection of DNA damage and mutations
2024-09-09 A new perspective on microRNA-guided gene regulation specificity, and its potential generalization to transcription factors and RNA-binding proteins
2024-09-09 Ubiquitinated histone H2B as gatekeeper of the nucleosome acidic patch
2024-09-09 Induction of bacterial expression at the mRNA level by light
2024-09-09 Discovery of antiphage systems in the lactococcal plasmidome
2024-09-09 Highly sensitive mapping of in vitro type II topoisomerase DNA cleavage sites with SHAN-seq
2024-09-09 H3T11 phosphorylation by CKII is required for heterochromatin formation in Neurospora
2024-09-09 Stress granule formation helps to mitigate neurodegeneration
2024-09-09 Central role of SUMOylation in the regulation of chromatin interactions and transcriptional outputs of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells
2024-09-09 CRISPR perfect adaptation for robust control of cellular immune and apoptotic responses
2024-09-09 Loss of the DNA repair protein, polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase, activates the type 1 interferon response independent of ionizing radiation
2024-09-09 High-throughput determination of RNA tertiary contact thermodynamics by quantitative DMS chemical mapping
2024-09-09 CoPixie, a novel algorithm for single-particle track colocalization, enables efficient quantification of telomerase dynamics at telomeres
2024-09-09 TRF2–RAP1 represses RAD51-dependent homology-directed telomere repair by promoting BLM-mediated D-loop unwinding and inhibiting BLM–DNA2-dependent 5′-end resection
2024-09-09 High ionic strength vector formulations enhance gene transfer to airway epithelia
2024-09-09 Quantifying allele-specific CRISPR editing activity with CRISPECTOR2.0
2024-09-09 Unraveling the structure and function of a novel SegC protein interacting with the SegAB chromosome segregation complex in Archaea
2024-09-09 The complete pathway for co-transcriptional mRNA maturation within a large protein of a non-segmented negative-strand RNA virus
2024-09-09 Engineered transcription activator-like effector dimer proteins confer DNA loop-dependent gene repression comparable to Lac repressor
2024-09-09 Solution structures and effects of a platinum compound successively bound MYC G-quadruplex
2024-09-09 Understanding the relationship between sequences and kinetics of DNA strand displacements
2024-09-09 Structural insights into the assembly of type IIA topoisomerase DNA cleavage-religation center
2024-09-09 The cullin Rtt101 promotes ubiquitin-dependent DNA−protein crosslink repair across the cell cycle
2024-09-09 The translesion polymerase Pol Y1 is a constitutive component of the B. subtilis replication machinery
2024-09-09 Molecular basis of RNA recombination in the 3′UTR of chikungunya virus genome
2024-09-09 RNA encoded peptide barcodes enable efficient in vivo screening of RNA delivery systems
2024-09-09 HYENA detects oncogenes activated by distal enhancers in cancer
2024-09-09 A UTP3-dependent nucleolar translocation pathway facilitates pre-rRNA 5′ETS processing
2024-09-09 The human mitochondrial translation factor TACO1 alleviates mitoribosome stalling at polyproline stretches
2024-09-09 ADBP-1 regulates ADR-2 nuclear localization to control editing substrate selection
2024-09-09 CRISPR-Cas12a exhibits metal-dependent specificity switching
2024-09-09 Sampling globally and locally correct RNA 3D structures using Ernwin, SPQR and experimental SAXS data
2024-09-09 Differential processing of RNA polymerase II at DNA damage correlates with transcription-coupled repair syndrome severity
2024-09-09 DNA cytosine methyltransferases differentially regulate genome-wide hypermutation and interhomolog recombination in Trichoderma reesei meiosis
2024-09-09 Instability throughout the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome resulting from Pms1 endonuclease deficiency
2024-09-09 CLOCI: unveiling cryptic fungal gene clusters with generalized detection
2024-09-09 GSearch: ultra-fast and scalable genome search by combining K-mer hashing with hierarchical navigable small world graphs
2024-09-09 Adenovirus small E1A directs activation of Alu transcription at YAP/TEAD- and AP-1-bound enhancers through interactions with the EP400 chromatin remodeler
2024-09-09 The critical role of the iron–sulfur cluster and CTC components in DOG-1/BRIP1 function in Caenorhabditis elegans
2024-09-09 SMCHD1 activates the expression of genes required for the expansion of human myoblasts
2024-09-09 Loss of Lamin A leads to the nuclear translocation of AGO2 and compromised RNA interference
2024-09-09 CyCoNP lncRNA establishes cis and trans RNA–RNA interactions to supervise neuron physiology
2024-09-09 BOD1L mediates chromatin binding and non-canonical function of H3K4 methyltransferase SETD1A
2024-09-09 Small RNA-mediated genetic switches coordinate ALG-3/4 small RNA pathway function
2024-09-09 Asymmetric bulges within hairpin RNA transgenes influence small RNA size, secondary siRNA production and viral defence
2024-09-09 RESC14 and RESC8 cooperate to mediate RESC function and dynamics during trypanosome RNA editing
2024-09-09 Structure and RNA-binding of the helically extended Roquin CCCH-type zinc finger
2024-09-09 Phosphorylation of the nuclear poly(A) binding protein (PABPN1) during mitosis protects mRNA from hyperadenylation and maintains transcriptome dynamics
2024-09-09 Resolution of ribosomal stalling by EF-P and ABCF ATPases YfmR and YkpA/YbiT
2024-09-09 Mapping the structural landscape of the yeast Ty3 retrotransposon RNA genome
2024-08-27 Nanoscale dynamics and localization of single endogenous mRNAs in stress granules
2024-08-27 Site-specific N-alkylation of DNA oligonucleotide nucleobases by DNAzyme-catalyzed reductive amination
2024-08-27 Correction to ‘SENEBLOC, a long non-coding RNA suppresses senescence via p53-dependent and independent mechanisms’
2024-08-27 Imaging and quantification of human and viral circular RNAs
2024-08-27 Ribosomal protein RPL39L is an efficiency factor in the cotranslational folding of a subset of proteins with alpha helical domains
2024-08-27 A single CAA interrupt in a DNA three-way junction containing a CAG repeat hairpin results in parity-dependent trapping
2024-08-27 MUT-7 exoribonuclease activity and localization are mediated by an ancient domain
2024-08-27 Structural analysis of the BisI family of modification dependent restriction endonucleases
2024-08-27 Unraveling the interplay between a small RNA and RNase E in bacteria
2024-08-27 Monitoring nucleolar-nucleoplasmic protein shuttling in living cells by high-content microscopy and automated image analysis
2024-08-27 Targeting DNA junction sites by bis-intercalators induces topological changes with potent antitumor effects
2024-08-27 Interpretable deep residual network uncovers nucleosome positioning and associated features
2024-08-27 DdrC, a unique DNA repair factor from D. radiodurans, senses and stabilizes DNA breaks through a novel lesion-recognition mechanism
2024-08-27 Correction to ‘Cytosine analogues as DNA methyltransferase substrates’
2024-08-27 Single-mode termination of phage transcriptions, disclosing bacterial adaptation for facilitated reinitiations
2024-08-27 SigAlign: an alignment algorithm guided by explicit similarity criteria
2024-08-27 mRNA-specific readthrough of nonsense codons by antisense oligonucleotides (R-ASOs)
2024-08-27 Analysis of bacterial transcriptome and epitranscriptome using nanopore direct RNA sequencing
2024-08-27 Re-engineered guide RNA enables DNA loops and contacts modulating repression in E. coli
2024-08-27 Conformational dynamics of CasX (Cas12e) in mediating DNA cleavage revealed by single-molecule FRET
2024-08-27 Weak-cooperative binding of a long single-stranded DNA chain on a surface
2024-08-27 Staphylococcal exoribonuclease YhaM destabilizes ribosomes by targeting the mRNA of a hibernation factor
2024-08-27 Epigenetic and transcriptional consequences in the endosperm of chemically induced transposon mobilization in Arabidopsis
2024-08-27 The TOPOVIBL meiotic DSB formation protein: new insights from its biochemical and structural characterization
2024-08-27 Cytosine analogues as DNA methyltransferase substrates
2024-08-27 Diversification of the Rho transcription termination factor in bacteria
2024-08-27 Characterization of a MHYT domain-coupled transcriptional regulator that responds to carbon monoxide
2024-08-27 Multiplexed in situ protein imaging using DNA-barcoded antibodies with extended hybridization chain reactions
2024-08-27 Integration of chromosome locations and functional aspects of enhancers and topologically associating domains in knowledge graphs enables versatile queries about gene regulation
2024-08-27 Nuclear F-actin assembly on damaged chromatin is regulated by DYRK1A and Spir1 phosphorylation
2024-08-27 Single-molecule characterization of SV40 replisome and novel factors: human FPC and Mcm10
2024-08-27 Chromatin context-dependent effects of epigenetic drugs on CRISPR-Cas9 editing
2024-08-27 Sequence diversity of apidaecin-like peptides arresting the terminating ribosome
2024-08-27 End resection and telomere healing of DNA double-strand breaks during nematode programmed DNA elimination
2024-08-27 TRMT10A dysfunction perturbs codon translation of initiator methionine and glutamine and impairs brain functions in mice
2024-08-27 Taxonomy of introns and the evolution of minor introns
2024-08-27 PRPF40A induces inclusion of exons in GC-rich regions important for human myeloid cell differentiation
2024-08-27 A RAD18–UBC13–PALB2–RNF168 axis mediates replication fork recovery in BRCA1-deficient cancer cells
2024-08-27 PCAF promotes R-loop resolution via histone acetylation
2024-08-27 Multiplexed sequential imaging in living cells with orthogonal fluorogenic RNA aptamer/dye pairs
2024-08-27 protoSpaceJAM: an open-source, customizable and web-accessible design platform for CRISPR/Cas insertional knock-in
2024-08-27 Differential impact of quiescent non-coding loci on chromatin entropy
2024-08-27 Disordered sequences of transcription factors regulate genomic binding by integrating diverse sequence grammars and interaction types
2024-08-27 MicroRNA biogenesis is broadly disrupted by inhibition of the splicing factor SF3B1
2024-08-27 Apollon: a deoxyribozyme that generates a yellow product
2024-08-27 Concerted action of ataxin-2 and PABPC1-bound mRNA poly(A) tail in the formation of stress granules
2024-08-27 Aurora: a fluorescent deoxyribozyme for high-throughput screening
2024-08-27 Cooperation of regulatory RNA and the RNA degradosome in transcript surveillance
2024-08-27 The fission yeast ortholog of Coilin, Mug174, forms Cajal body-like nuclear condensates and is essential for cellular quiescence
2024-08-27 U6 snRNA m6A modification is required for accurate and efficient splicing of C. elegans and human pre-mRNAs

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