Genome Biology and Evolution

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-09-05 Highlight: 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: Epigenetics and Evolution
2024-09-05 New Insights into the Diversity of Mitochondrial Plastid DNA
2024-09-04 Correction to: Genetic and Functional Diversity Help Explain Pathogenic, Weakly Pathogenic, and Commensal Lifestyles in the Genus Xanthomonas
2024-09-04 Mitochondrial Variation in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii: Phylogeographic Legacy and Mitonuclear Associations With Metabolic Resistance to Pathogens and Insecticides
2024-09-04 Evolution of Key Oxygen-Sensing Genes Is Associated with Hypoxia Tolerance in Fishes
2024-08-30 Sequence, Structure, and Functional Space of Drosophila De Novo Proteins
2024-08-30 De Novo Emerged Gene Search in Eukaryotes with DENSE
2024-08-30 Mitochondrial DNA of the Demosponge Acanthella acuta: Linear Architecture and Other Unique Features
2024-08-29 Accumulation of Large Lineage-Specific Repeats Coincides with Sequence Acceleration and Structural Rearrangement in Plantago Plastomes
2024-08-29 Reduction of Ribosomal Expansion Segments in Yeast Species of the Magnusiomyces/Saprochaete Clade
2024-08-29 Selection and Gene Duplication Associated With High-Elevation Diversification in Pristimantis, the Largest Terrestrial Vertebrate Genus
2024-08-29 Draft Genome of Akame (Lates Japonicus) Reveals Possible Genetic Mechanisms for Long-Term Persistence and Adaptive Evolution with Low Genetic Diversity
2024-08-29 Genomic Underpinnings of Cytoplasmic Incompatibility: CIF Gene-Neighborhood Diversification Through Extensive Lateral Transfers and Recombination in Wolbachia
2024-08-29 Evolution of the Genetic Code in the Ascoideales (CUG-Ser2) Yeast Clade: The Ancestral tRNA-Leu(CAG) Gene Is Retained in Most Saccharomycopsis Species but Is Nonessential and Not Used for Translation
2024-08-22 Genetic Signatures of Positive Selection in Human Populations Adapted to High Altitude in Papua New Guinea
2024-08-20 Highlight: From Prey to Pathogen—The Role of Predation in Driving Virulence
2024-08-20 Chromosome-Scale Assembly and Annotation of Eight Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes
2024-08-20 Genomic and Transcriptomic Insights into the Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis in Grasses
2024-08-20 Early Diversification of Membrane Intrinsic Proteins (MIPs) in Eukaryotes
2024-08-20 Molecular Mechanisms of Temperature Tolerance Plasticity in an Arthropod
2024-08-20 Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the Viviparous Eelpout Zoarces viviparus
2024-08-20 Dynamic Expansions and Retinal Expression of Spectrally Distinct Short-Wavelength Opsin Genes in Sea Snakes
2024-08-20 Making a Pathogen? Evaluating the Impact of Protist Predation on the Evolution of Virulence in Serratia marcescens
2024-08-08 Revisiting Dominance in Population Genetics
2024-08-08 Plethora of New Marsupial Genomes Informs Our Knowledge of Marsupial MHC Class II
2024-08-08 Differential Conservation and Loss of Chicken Repeat 1 (CR1) Retrotransposons in Squamates Reveal Lineage-Specific Genome Dynamics Across Reptiles
2024-08-08 Transcriptomic Response to Pyrethroid Treatment in Closely Related Bed Bug Strains Varying in Resistance
2024-08-08 The Structure of Simple Satellite Variation in the Human Genome and Its Correlation With Centromere Ancestry
2024-08-05 Lessons from Extremophiles: Functional Adaptations and Genomic Innovations across the Eukaryotic Tree of Life
2024-08-05 Molecular Insights into the Low Complexity Secreted Venom of Calliactis polypus
2024-08-05 Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction as a Tool to Detect and Study De Novo Gene Emergence
2024-07-29 Diversity of Sex Chromosomes in Vertebrates: Six Novel Sex Chromosomes in Basal Haplochromines (Teleostei: Cichlidae)
2024-07-29 Unanticipated Loss of Inflammasomes in Birds
2024-07-29 De Novo Long-Read Genome Assembly and Annotation of the Luna Moth (Actias luna) Fully Resolves Repeat-Rich Silk Genes
2024-07-29 Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Gene Flow Associated With an Aridity Gradient in Populations of Common Mole-rats, Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus
2024-07-29 Duplications and Retrogenes Are Numerous and Widespread in Modern Canine Genomic Assemblies
2024-07-29 DNA Transposons Favor De Novo Transcript Emergence Through Enrichment of Transcription Factor Binding Motifs
2024-07-29 Molecular Dating of the Teleost Whole Genome Duplication (3R) Is Compatible With the Expectations of Delayed Rediploidization
2024-07-29 Gene Protein Sequence Evolution Can Predict the Rapid Divergence of Ovariole Numbers in the Drosophila melanogaster Subgroup
2024-07-18 Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of the Ponza Grayling (Hipparchia sbordonii), an Italian Endemic and Endangered Butterfly
2024-07-18 Chromosome-Level Assembly and Annotation of the Genome of the Endangered Giant Patagonian Bumble Bee Bombus dahlbomii
2024-07-18 Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly for Soft-Stem Bulrush (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani) Confirms a Clade-Specific Whole-Genome Duplication in Cyperaceae
2024-07-18 What Makes a Mimic? Orange, Red, and Black Color Production in the Mimic Poison Frog (Ranitomeya imitator)
2024-07-18 Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Pattern of Evolution of Male and Female Reproductive Proteins in Seed Beetles
2024-07-18 First Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of a Ribbon Worm from the Hoplonemertea Clade, Emplectonema gracile, and Its Structural Annotation
2024-07-15 Pan-Genome Provides Insights into Vibrio Evolution and Adaptation to Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
2024-07-15 Long-Read–Based Hybrid Genome Assembly and Annotation of Snow Algal Strain CCCryo 101-99 (cf. Sphaerocystis sp., Chlamydomonadales)
2024-07-15 Using Runs of Homozygosity and Machine Learning to Disentangle Sources of Inbreeding and Infer Self-Fertilization Rates
2024-07-13 Highlight: Striking Discoveries in Rattlesnake Venom Evolution
2024-07-13 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: Recombination and Meiosis
2024-07-13 A Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Oecanthus rufescens (Orthoptera: Oecanthidae)
2024-07-13 Differential Regulation of Opsin Gene Expression in Response to Internal and External Stimuli
2024-07-13 Diverse Gene Regulatory Mechanisms Alter Rattlesnake Venom Gene Expression at Fine Evolutionary Scales
2024-07-09 Genome-Wide Gene Birth–Death Dynamics Are Associated with Diet Breadth Variation in Lepidoptera
2024-07-09 Limited Parallelism in Genetic Adaptation to Brackish Water Bodies in European Sprat and Atlantic Herring
2024-07-09 Modeling Length Changes in De Novo Open Reading Frames during Neutral Evolution
2024-07-09 Comparative Genomics and the Salivary Transcriptome of the Redbanded Stink Bug Shed Light on Its High Damage Potential to Soybean
2024-07-04 High Polymorphism Levels of De Novo ORFs in a Yoruba Human Population
2024-07-04 Genomic Consequences of Isolation and Inbreeding in an Island Dingo Population
2024-07-04 The Nitroplast and Its Relatives Support a Universal Model of Features Predicting Gene Retention in Endosymbiont and Organelle Genomes
2024-07-04 Expression of Truncated Products at the 5′-Terminal Region of RIPK2 and Evolutive Aspects that Support Their Biological Importance
2024-06-29 A Novel Approach to Comparative RNA-Seq Does Not Support a Conserved Set of Orthologs Underlying Animal Regeneration
2024-06-29 Selection Shapes the Genomic Landscape of Introgressed Ancestry in a Pair of Sympatric Sea Urchin Species
2024-06-24 Charophytic Green Algae Encode Ancestral Polymerase IV/Polymerase V Subunits and a CLSY/DRD1 Homolog
2024-06-21 Telomere-to-telomere Genome Assembly of the Clubroot Pathogen Plasmodiophora Brassicae
2024-06-15 Pseudomonas putida Dynamics of Adaptation under Prolonged Resource Exhaustion
2024-06-15 Examining the Effects of Temperature on the Evolution of Bacterial tRNA Pools
2024-06-15 Ancient Sheep Genomes Reveal Four Millennia of North European Short-Tailed Sheep in the Baltic Sea Region
2024-06-15 The Maintenance of Deleterious Variation in Wild Chinese Rhesus Macaques
2024-06-15 Conifers Concentrate Large Numbers of NLR Immune Receptor Genes on One Chromosome
2024-06-06 Endosymbioses Have Shaped the Evolution of Biological Diversity and Complexity Time and Time Again
2024-06-06 The Rapid Evolution of De Novo Proteins in Structure and Complex
2024-06-06 Genome Assembly of the Dyeing Poison Frog Provides Insights into the Dynamics of Transposable Element and Genome-Size Evolution
2024-06-06 A Synergistic, Cultivator Model of De Novo Gene Origination
2024-06-06 Matreex: Compact and Interactive Visualization for Scalable Studies of Large Gene Families
2024-05-24 40th Anniversary Virtual Issues: F-statistics and Population Structure
2024-05-24 The Evolution and Characterization of the RNA Interference Pathways in Lophotrochozoa
2024-05-23 Genome Evolution and Introgression in the New Zealand mud Snails Potamopyrgus estuarinus and Potamopyrgus kaitunuparaoa
2024-05-23 Gene Function is a Driver of Activin Signaling Pathway Evolution Following Whole-Genome Duplication in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
2024-05-23 Effects of Arboviral Infections on Transposable Element Transcript Levels in Aedes aegypti
2024-05-22 Highlight: Lost Traits and the Persistence of Complexity
2024-05-22 Population Genomic History of the Endangered Anatolian and Cyprian Mouflons in Relation to Worldwide Wild, Feral, and Domestic Sheep Lineages
2024-05-22 Parthenogenetic Stick Insects Exhibit Signatures of Preservation in the Molecular Architecture of Male Reproduction
2024-05-18 History of Diversification and Adaptation from North to South Revealed by Genomic Data: Guanacos from the Desert to Sub-Antarctica
2024-05-18 Insertion–Deletion Events Are Depleted in Protein Regions with Predicted Secondary Structure
2024-05-14 Experimental Evaluation of a Direct Fitness Effect of the De Novo Evolved Mouse Gene Pldi
2024-05-11 Correction to: A Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Clouded Apollo Butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne): A Species of Global Conservation Concern
2024-05-11 Duplicate Gene Expression and Possible Mechanisms of Paralog Retention During Bacterial Genome Expansion
2024-05-11 Shared Features Underlying Compact Genomes and Extreme Habitat Use in Chironomid Midges
2024-05-11 Conserved Genes in Highly Regenerative Metazoans Are Associated with Planarian Regeneration
2024-05-11 Genome Assembly of Pyrocephalus nanus: A Step Toward the Genetic Conservation of the Endangered Little Vermilion Flycatcher of the Galapagos Islands
2024-05-11 Re-examining Correlations Between Synonymous Codon Usage and Protein Bond Angles in Escherichia coli
2024-05-11 High-Quality, Chromosome-Level Reference Genomes of the Viviparous Caribbean Skinks Spondylurus nitidus and S. culebrae
2024-05-11 Mutation Rate and Effective Population Size of the Model Cooperative Bacterium Myxococcus xanthus
2024-04-30 Technological Development and Advances for Constructing and Analyzing Plant Pangenomes
2024-04-30 Evolution of Phenotypic Variance Provides Insights into the Genetic Basis of Adaptation
2024-04-30 Patterns of Change in Nucleotide Diversity Over Gene Length
2024-04-30 Chromosome-scale Genome Assembly of the Rough Periwinkle Littorina saxatilis
2024-04-23 Genetic and Functional Diversity Help Explain Pathogenic, Weakly Pathogenic, and Commensal Lifestyles in the Genus Xanthomonas
2024-04-23 Extensive Loss and Gain of Conserved Noncoding Elements During Early Teleost Evolution

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