Science Advances current issue


1. Mechanochemically accelerated deconstruction of chemically recyclable plastics | Science Advances
2. Development of an antigen-based approach to noninvasively image CAR T cells in real time and as a predictive tool | Science Advances
3. A brain microbiome in salmonids at homeostasis | Science Advances
4. Local and long-range input balance: A framework for investigating frontal cognitive circuit maturation in health and disease | Science Advances
5. Intein splicing efficiency and RadA levels can control the mode of archaeal DNA replication | Science Advances
6. Infrared single-photon detection with superconducting magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene | Science Advances
7. Minimal-gain-printed silicon nanolaser | Science Advances
8. Identification of immunogenic HLA class I and II neoantigens using surrogate immunopeptidomes | Science Advances
9. Metabolic imaging in living plants: A promising field for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI | Science Advances
10. Two-dimensional silk | Science Advances
11. β-Silyl alkynoates: Versatile reagents for biocompatible and selective amide bond formation | Science Advances
12. CCR2 cooperativity promotes hematopoietic stem cell homing to the bone marrow | Science Advances
13. NF-κB and TET2 promote macrophage reprogramming in hypoxia that overrides the immunosuppressive effects of the tumor microenvironment | Science Advances
14. Hybrid nanoparticle–mediated simultaneous ROS scavenging and STING activation improve the antitumor immunity of in situ vaccines | Science Advances
15. Feline eye–inspired artificial vision for enhanced camouflage breaking under diverse light conditions | Science Advances
16. Clock protein LHY targets SNAT1 and negatively regulates the biosynthesis of melatonin in Hypericum perforatum | Science Advances
17. Ultrasensitive integrated circuit sensors based on high-order non-Hermitian topological physics | Science Advances
18. Development of miRNA-based PROTACs targeting Lin28 for breast cancer therapy | Science Advances
19. Biological self-protection inspired engineering of nanomaterials to construct a robust bio-nano system for environmental applications | Science Advances
20. Adapting magnetoresistive memory devices for accurate and on-chip-training-free in-memory computing | Science Advances
21. The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages for West Palearctic butterflies | Science Advances
22. ACSL6-activated IL-18R1–NF-κB promotes IL-18–mediated tumor immune evasion and tumor progression | Science Advances
23. Spatial dissociation between recognition and navigation in the primate hippocampus | Science Advances
24. Critical assessment of water enthalpy characterization through dark environment evaporation | Science Advances
25. Coenzymes in a pre-enzymatic metabolism | Science Advances
更新于 24 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-09-19 Mechanochemically accelerated deconstruction of chemically recyclable plastics | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Development of an antigen-based approach to noninvasively image CAR T cells in real time and as a predictive tool | Science Advances
2024-09-19 A brain microbiome in salmonids at homeostasis | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Local and long-range input balance: A framework for investigating frontal cognitive circuit maturation in health and disease | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Intein splicing efficiency and RadA levels can control the mode of archaeal DNA replication | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Infrared single-photon detection with superconducting magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Minimal-gain-printed silicon nanolaser | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Identification of immunogenic HLA class I and II neoantigens using surrogate immunopeptidomes | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Metabolic imaging in living plants: A promising field for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Two-dimensional silk | Science Advances
2024-09-19 β-Silyl alkynoates: Versatile reagents for biocompatible and selective amide bond formation | Science Advances
2024-09-19 CCR2 cooperativity promotes hematopoietic stem cell homing to the bone marrow | Science Advances
2024-09-19 NF-κB and TET2 promote macrophage reprogramming in hypoxia that overrides the immunosuppressive effects of the tumor microenvironment | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Hybrid nanoparticle–mediated simultaneous ROS scavenging and STING activation improve the antitumor immunity of in situ vaccines | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Feline eye–inspired artificial vision for enhanced camouflage breaking under diverse light conditions | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Clock protein LHY targets SNAT1 and negatively regulates the biosynthesis of melatonin in Hypericum perforatum | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Ultrasensitive integrated circuit sensors based on high-order non-Hermitian topological physics | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Development of miRNA-based PROTACs targeting Lin28 for breast cancer therapy | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Biological self-protection inspired engineering of nanomaterials to construct a robust bio-nano system for environmental applications | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Adapting magnetoresistive memory devices for accurate and on-chip-training-free in-memory computing | Science Advances
2024-09-19 The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages for West Palearctic butterflies | Science Advances
2024-09-19 ACSL6-activated IL-18R1–NF-κB promotes IL-18–mediated tumor immune evasion and tumor progression | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Spatial dissociation between recognition and navigation in the primate hippocampus | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Critical assessment of water enthalpy characterization through dark environment evaporation | Science Advances
2024-09-19 Coenzymes in a pre-enzymatic metabolism | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Supramolecular scaffold–directed two-dimensional assembly of pentacene into a configuration to facilitate singlet fission | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Clusters of lineage-specific genes are anchored by ZNF274 in repressive perinucleolar compartments | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Decreased dust particles amplify the cloud cooling effect by regulating cloud ice formation over the Tibetan Plateau | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Blocking tumor-intrinsic MNK1 kinase restricts metabolic adaptation and diminishes liver metastasis | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Direct generation of time-energy-entangled W triphotons in atomic vapor | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Positronium image of the human brain in vivo | Science Advances
2024-09-14 A pleiotropic recurrent dominant ITPR3 variant causes a complex multisystemic disease | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Synthesis of chiral sulfilimines by organocatalytic enantioselective sulfur alkylation of sulfenamides | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Coupling is key for the tropical Indian and Atlantic oceans to boost super El Niño | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Landau-phonon polaritons in Dirac heterostructures | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Hibiscus bullseyes reveal mechanisms controlling petal pattern proportions that influence plant-pollinator interactions | Science Advances
2024-09-14 Pacific Ocean–originated anthropogenic carbon and its long-term variations in the South China Sea | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Chemically programmed metabolism drives a superior cell fitness for cartilage regeneration | Science Advances
2024-09-12 A computational mechanism of cue-stimulus integration for pain in the brain | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Triple oxygen isotope reveals insolation-forced tropical moisture cycles | Science Advances
2024-09-12 PM2.5 exposure disparities persist despite strict vehicle emissions controls in California | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Subaerial crust emergence hindered by phase-driven lower crust densification on early Earth | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Boosting the photocatalytic decontamination efficiency using a supramolecular photoenzyme ensemble | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Dependence of tropical cyclone seeds and climate sensitivity on tropical cloud response | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Voltage-dependent G-protein regulation of CaV2.2 (N-type) channels | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Modeling Lewy body disease with SNCA triplication iPSC-derived cortical organoids and identifying therapeutic drugs | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Reproductive aging weakens offspring survival and constrains the telomerase response to herpesvirus in Pacific oysters | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Simultaneous electromechanical monitoring in engineered heart tissues using a mesoscale framework | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Crack densification in drying colloidal suspensions | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Antibiotics damage the colonic mucus barrier in a microbiota-independent manner | Science Advances cpncrunch
2024-09-12 Parallel gain modulation mechanisms set the resolution of color selectivity in human visual cortex | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Mapping the Sun’s coronal magnetic field using the Zeeman effect | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Syndecan-1 inhibition promotes antitumor immune response and facilitates the efficacy of anti-PD1 checkpoint immunotherapy | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Impact sculpting of the early martian atmosphere | Science Advances
2024-09-12 The impact of emissions controls on atmospheric nitrogen inputs to Chinese river basins highlights the urgency of ammonia abatement | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Comprehensive computational automated search of barrierless reactions leading to the formation of benzene and other C6-membered rings | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Easy-to-configure zero-dimensional valley-chiral modes in a graphene point junction | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Multi-receptor skin with highly sensitive tele-perception somatosensory | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Multiscale crack trapping for programmable adhesives | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Positive allosteric modulation of a GPCR ternary complex | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Three-dimensional valley-contrasting sound | Science Advances
2024-09-12 Editorial Retraction | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Oscillatory-Quality of sleep spindles links brain state with sleep regulation and function | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Ion transport and ultra-efficient osmotic power generation in boron nitride nanotube porins | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Blended nexus molecules promote CO2 to l-tyrosine conversion | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Thr4 phosphorylation on RNA Pol II occurs at early transcription regulating 3′-end processing | Science Advances
2024-09-07 The ultralow viscosity of volatile-rich kimberlite magma: Implications for the water content of primitive kimberlite melts | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Meter-scale van der Waals films manufactured via one-step roll printing | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Alignment and actuation of liquid crystals via 3D confinement and two-photon laser printing | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Sub–180-nanometer-thick ultraconformable high-performance carbon nanotube–based dual-gate transistors and differential amplifiers | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Vanishing twins, spared cohorts, and the birthweight of periviable infants born to Black and white women in the United States | Science Advances
2024-09-07 Lung-innervating nociceptor sensory neurons promote pneumonic sepsis during carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection | Science Advances
2024-09-07 The coexistence and transition of weak and strong wave turbulences in acoustic broadening | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Essential phage component induces resistance of bacterial community | Science Advances
2024-09-05 ARL3 GTPases facilitate ODA16 unloading from IFT in motile cilia | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Human heat sensation: A randomized crossover trial | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Nanoplasmonic aptasensor for sensitive, selective, and real-time detection of dopamine from unprocessed whole blood | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Stretchable and biodegradable self-healing conductors for multifunctional electronics | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Archaeological findings show the extent of primitive characteristics of maize in South America | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Single-trial detection of auditory cues from the rat brain using memristors | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Effector memory–type regulatory T cells display phenotypic and functional instability | Science Advances
2024-09-05 A highly conserved A-to-I RNA editing event within the glutamate-gated chloride channel GluClα is necessary for olfactory-based behaviors in Drosophila | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Protein NMR assignment by isotope pattern recognition | Science Advances
2024-09-05 TCR/CD3-based synthetic antigen receptors (TCC) convey superior antigen sensitivity combined with high fidelity of activation | Science Advances
2024-09-05 High absorptivity nanotextured powders for additive manufacturing | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Plasmonic Pd-Sb nanosheets for photothermal CH4 conversion to HCHO and therapy | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Cerebrospinal fluid flow extends to peripheral nerves further unifying the nervous system | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Two-dimensional fully ferroelectric-gated hybrid computing-in-memory hardware for high-precision and energy-efficient dynamic tracking | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Enhanced aqueous formation and neutralization of fine atmospheric particles driven by extreme cold | Science Advances
2024-09-05 AAGGG repeat expansions trigger RFC1-independent synaptic dysregulation in human CANVAS neurons | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Integrin signaling in pluripotent cells acts as a gatekeeper of mouse germline entry | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Thermodynamic computing via autonomous quantum thermal machines | Science Advances
2024-09-05 High-performance fault-tolerant quantum computing with many-hypercube codes | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Real-time machine learning–enhanced hyperspectro-polarimetric imaging via an encoding metasurface | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Persistent polarization: The unexpected durability of political animosity around US elections | Science Advances
2024-09-05 Controls on fluvial sediment evacuation following an earthquake-triggered landslide: Observations from LiDAR time series | Science Advances
2024-09-05 BioID-based intact cell interactome of the Kv1.3 potassium channel identifies a Kv1.3-STAT3-p53 cellular signaling pathway | Science Advances
2024-08-31 Synaptic rearrangement of NMDA receptors controls memory engram formation and malleability in the cortex | Science Advances
2024-08-31 Nitrite reductase–mimicking catalysis temporally regulating nitric oxide concentration gradient adaptive for antibacterial therapy | Science Advances
2024-08-31 Multi-armored allogeneic MUC1 CAR T cells enhance efficacy and safety in triple-negative breast cancer | Science Advances

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