
近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-04-21 ChatGPT、Transformer 与注意力机制
2024-04-03 关于大模型你需要知道的
2022-12-13 To Be An Excellent Tech Lead
2022-12-09 成为一名优秀的 Tech Lead
2022-12-02 Edge Function
2022-09-20 重新思考 React 项目架构
2022-07-14 我在Thoughtworks的四年
2022-06-07 定制西服小知识
2022-05-30 时间都去哪了
2022-03-27 React代码规范
2022-02-13 Do Not Be Limited By Your Tech Stack
2022-02-13 Split Monolith Into Micro Front End
2022-02-01 From Tdd To Test Strategy
2021-12-08 Story Pts Vs Man Days
2021-11-19 Do Not Be Limited By Your Tech Stack
2021-09-13 Micro Front End Splitting In Practice
2021-07-07 Explore React The First Part
2021-04-22 Evolution Of Architecture From Monolithic To Micro Front End Theory
2021-03-14 Software Craftsmanship
2021-03-09 Agile Transformation
2021-02-28 Xp Technology Practices
2021-02-21 Agile Technology Practices Tdd
2021-02-14 Agile Team Practice
2021-02-07 Agile Three Business Practice
2021-02-01 Agile Business Practice Planning Games
2021-01-23 What Is Agile
2021-01-13 JAMStack
2021-01-13 Micro Frontends
2021-01-13 Javascript Module System In
2021-01-13 Front And Back End Automation Integration
2021-01-13 Apple Ecosystem
2021-01-13 SAML2&OIDC
2021-01-13 20200523-devtool-performance-networking-auditing-and-node
2021-01-13 20200516-react-concurrent-mode-suspense
2021-01-13 20200304-devtool-editing-and-debugging
2021-01-13 20200222-webpack-core-concepts

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