GitHub ‧ Trending Rust Today

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-11-14 ArthurBrussee / brush 857
2024-11-14 tensorzero / tensorzero 553
2024-11-10 mxsm / rocketmq-rust 644
2024-11-10 paradigmxyz / solar 233
2024-11-09 bheisler / 4606
2024-11-08 vadimcn / codelldb 2572
2024-11-04 modrinth / code 952
2024-11-01 Snowiiii / Pumpkin 3129
2024-10-29 unionlabs / union 360
2024-10-29 databendlabs / databend 7854
2024-10-26 girlbossceo / conduwuit 434
2024-10-23 GitoxideLabs / gitoxide 8988
2024-10-23 hyperlane-xyz / hyperlane-monorepo 325
2024-10-23 Amjad50 / plastic 349
2024-10-21 Drasi:微软面向事件驱动系统的开源数据处理平台 benocodes
2024-10-19 glzr-io / zebar 969
2024-10-18 microsoft / openvmm 1518
2024-10-17 Myriad-Dreamin / tinymist 675
2024-10-16 ReFirmLabs / binwalk 1.1万
2024-10-16 Show HN: Vortex - 一种高性能列式文件格式 Show HN ‧ gatesn
2024-10-16 gosub-io / gosub-engine 2946
2024-10-14 katanemo / arch 652
2024-10-13用 Rust 进行无依赖性的最小 CPU LLM 推理 littlestymaar
2024-10-12 golemcloud / golem 445
2024-10-12 AsahiLinux / muvm 271
2024-10-10 revoltchat / backend 1184
2024-10-08 lancedb / lancedb 4673
2024-10-01 Feldera 增量计算引擎 gzel
2024-09-26 linera-io / linera-protocol 1277
2024-09-22 model-checking / kani 2156
2024-09-21 mediar-ai / screenpipe 8839
2024-09-21 agourlay / zip-password-finder 230
2024-09-19 achristmascarl / rainfrog 2642
2024-09-19 phiresky / ripgrep-all 8005
2024-09-15 kwai / blaze 1125
2024-09-13 orhun / binsider 2402
2024-09-12 Sweattypalms / ferrumc 309
2024-09-11 esp-rs / esp-hal 699
2024-09-10 WGUNDERWOOD / tex-fmt 109
2024-09-10 Ludusavi: Backup tool for PC game saves nateb2022
2024-09-09 mbecker20 / komodo 1420
2024-09-08 witnessmenow / ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display 1491
2024-09-05 elijah-potter / harper 1777
2024-09-05 rsadsb / adsb_deku 592
2024-09-01 hatoo / oha 6292
2024-08-31 libnyanpasu / clash-nyanpasu 9437
2024-08-30 AppFlowy-IO / AppFlowy-Cloud 1077
2024-08-29 a-b-street / abstreet 7586
2024-08-29 spaceandtimelabs / sxt-proof-of-sql 2190
2024-08-26 ratatui / ratatui 1.0万
2024-08-26 Show HN: Ruroco - 就像敲击港口,但更好 Show HN ‧ mschempp
2024-08-21 firstbatchxyz / dkn-compute-node 63
2024-08-19 SorellaLabs / brontes 462
2024-08-18 eythaann / Seelen-UI 2428
2024-08-17 axodotdev / cargo-dist 1405
2024-08-16 奥克项目对分布式系统中的数据进行有意义的控制 tiziano88
2024-08-14 vercel / turborepo 2.6万
2024-08-14 Blitz轻量级、模块化、可扩展的网络渲染器 whatever3
2024-08-12 supabase / pg_replicate 463
2024-08-12 FedericoBruzzone / tgt 155
2024-08-10 pop-os / cosmic-settings 144
2024-08-08 glzr-io / glazewm 5823
2024-08-08 vnt-dev / vnt 1064
2024-08-07 versotile-org / verso 4448
2024-08-07 Robust, Minimalist, Unbundled PKM for your favorite text-editor through the LSP iml7
2024-08-06 lovasoa / SQLpage 1156
2024-08-01 hickory-dns / hickory-dns 3892
2024-08-01 mbecker20 / monitor 558
2024-07-25 jtroo / kanata 2800
2024-07-22 barter-rs / barter-rs 721
2024-07-22 BitBoxSwiss / bitbox02-firmware 251
2024-07-17 TraceMachina / nativelink 1168
2024-07-17 lostb1t / replex 158
2024-07-16 teloxide / teloxide 2892
2024-07-14 clarkmcc / cel-rust 286
2024-07-14 gitbutlerapp / gitbutler 1.3万
2024-07-11 nimiq / core-rs-albatross 156
2024-07-09 mufeedvh / code2prompt 1842
2024-07-08 topgrade-rs / topgrade 1739
2024-07-07 Jondolf / avian 1263
2024-07-04 Spotify Player in Terminal SubiculumCode
2024-07-03 greenbone / openvas-scanner 3374
2024-07-03 opentensor / subtensor 122
2024-07-03 servo / servo 2.8万
2024-07-01 AleoNet / snarkVM 1002
2024-07-01 umijs / mako 1517
2024-06-28 gimli-rs / object 622
2024-06-27 stacks-network / stacks-core 2999
2024-06-27 veeenu / eldenring-practice-tool 122
2024-06-23 ClayAmore / ER-Save-Editor 251
2024-06-20 BAML is a language that helps you get structured data from LLMs Anon84
2024-06-16 XAMPPRocky / octocrab 1004
2024-06-15 shell-pool / shpool 1029
2024-06-14 Platform for building resilient applications saikatsg
2024-06-14 JohnnyMorganz / StyLua 1446
2024-06-13 timescale / pgvectorscale 1260
2024-06-12 nexus-xyz / nexus-zkvm 724
2024-06-11 teodevgroup / teo 1019
2024-06-05 chroma-core / chroma 1.5万
2024-06-04 zksecurity / noname 118

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