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2024-07-26 AutoMQ / automq 2440
2024-07-24 lz4 / lz4 9869
2024-07-24 Netflix / maestro 2018
2024-07-24 careywyr / UnderstandingDeepLearning-ZH-CN 1605
2024-07-23 sinaatalay / rendercv 1510
2024-07-22 ComposioHQ / composio 3999
2024-07-21 g1879 / DrissionPage 7051
2024-07-20 NVIDIA / open-gpu-kernel-modules 1.5万
2024-07-20 TraceMachina / nativelink 816
2024-07-17 mem0ai / mem0 1.8万
2024-07-16 free-educa / books 6522
2024-07-16 MervinPraison/PraisonAI MervinPraison
2024-07-15 folke / which-key.nvim 4849
2024-07-15 DiceDB / dice 1017
2024-07-15 neo4j-labs / llm-graph-builder 1603
2024-07-14 OI-wiki / OI-wiki 2.0万
2024-07-13 szimek / sharedrop 9250
2024-07-12 TeamNewPipe / NewPipeExtractor 1266
2024-07-12 apify/crawlee-python apify
2024-07-12 bunkerity/bunkerweb bunkerity
2024-07-11 swiftlang / swift 6.7万
2024-07-09 techschool / simplebank 4910
2024-07-07 alex-shpak / hugo-book 3168
2024-07-06 albertobsd / keyhunt 541
2024-07-06 disposable-email-domains / disposable-email-domains 2720
2024-07-05 aome510 / spotify-player 3122
2024-07-05 Azure-Samples/graphrag-accelerator Azure-Samples
2024-07-04 microsoft/graphrag microsoft
2024-07-02 NVIDIA / gpu-operator 1668
2024-07-01 hajimehoshi / ebiten 1.0万
2024-07-01 overleaf / overleaf 1.3万
2024-07-01 YaLTeR / niri 2801
2024-06-30 wolfpld / tracy 8581
2024-06-30 goatcorp / Dalamud 1046
2024-06-30 ClayAmore / ER-Save-Editor 251
2024-06-29 ZuodaoTech / everyone-can-use-english 2.3万
2024-06-29 ray-project / kuberay 959
2024-06-29 snakers4/silero-vad snakers4
2024-06-28 stacks-network / stacks-core 2999
2024-06-24 modelscope / DiffSynth-Studio 6000
2024-06-24 mayneyao / eidos 1931
2024-06-24 SimplifyJobs / Summer2025-Internships 3.2万
2024-06-22 niedev / RTranslator 5830
2024-06-21 StamusNetworks / SELKS 1353
2024-06-21 MrKai77 / Loop 5704
2024-06-21 gitleaks / gitleaks 1.7万
2024-06-20 ckeditor / ckeditor5 8782
2024-06-19 landing-ai / vision-agent 684
2024-06-19 tencentmusic / supersonic 1739
2024-06-19 langflow-ai / langflow 2.3万
2024-06-19 argilla-io / argilla 3579
2024-06-18 datawhalechina / leedl-tutorial 1.1万
2024-06-16 NVIDIA / warp 3844
2024-06-16 pymc-devs/pymc pymc-devs
2024-06-15 lepoco / wpfui 6874
2024-06-14 fleetdm / fleet 2734
2024-06-14 lexbor / lexbor 1400
2024-06-14 Stability-AI / StableSwarmUI 4261
2024-06-13 goldmansachs / gs-quant 6965
2024-06-13 fchollet / ARC-AGI 3115
2024-06-13 datastrato / gravitino 603
2024-06-12 apple/axlearn apple
2024-06-11 piku / piku 4818
2024-06-11 Build Performant APIs, Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API Framework lovestaco
2024-06-10 DaoCloud / public-image-mirror 4084
2024-06-10 mahdibland/V2RayAggregator mahdibland
2024-06-09 JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh 1.6万
2024-06-09 libretro / RetroArch 9815
2024-06-09 nerfstudio-project / gsplat 1346
2024-06-08 k2-fsa / sherpa-onnx 2497
2024-06-08 idootop / mi-gpt 6111
2024-06-08 hackerb9 / lsix 3774
2024-06-07 livekit / livekit 9032
2024-06-07 jordanbaird / Ice 1.1万
2024-06-07 google/mesop google
2024-06-07 Stability-AI/stable-audio-tools Stability-AI
2024-06-05 6drf21e / ChatTTS_colab 417
2024-06-05 oapi-codegen / oapi-codegen 5420
2024-06-05 nnanhuang / S3Gaussian 190
2024-06-05 LadybirdWebBrowser / ladybird 1229
2024-06-03 adrianhajdin / podcastr 275
2024-06-03 aaedmusa / Capstan-Drive 180
2024-06-03 fullstackhero / dotnet-starter-kit 4715
2024-06-03 isaac-sim/IsaacLab isaac-sim
2024-06-03 Gktwo / wuwa-mod 150
2024-06-03 A macOS and Windows open source alternative to ChatGPT gorkemcetin
2024-06-02 leanprover-community / mathlib4 1217
2024-06-02 anthropics / courses 493
2024-06-02 warpstreamlabs / bento 589
2024-06-02 face-hh / webx 1331
2024-06-02 Omost: LLM-Based Image Generation skilled
2024-06-02 ishaan1013 / sandbox 1123
2024-06-02 lanqian528 / chat2api 1386
2024-06-01 StasPlov / docker-unlock 307
2024-06-01 digital-go-jp / design-system-example-components 304
2024-06-01 apple / swift-migration-guide 264
2024-06-01 jianchang512 / ChatTTS-ui 3103
2024-06-01 novitalabs / AnimateAnyone 546
2024-06-01 bin123apple / AutoCoder 460
2024-06-01 ToonCrafter: Generative Cartoon Interpolation skilled

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