ScienceDirect Publication: Earth and Planetary Science Letters


1. Rubidium isotopes reveal dehydration and melting of the subducting slab beneath the Mariana arc
2. Insights into the last 100 ky of geomagnetic field variability using numerical dynamo simulations
3. The very late-stage crystallization of the lunar magma ocean and the composition of immiscible urKREEP
4. Low-velocity middle-and-lower crustal materials blocked by the red river fault in the SE margin of the Tibetan plateau
5. Rise of mantle oxidation by Neoarchean subduction in the North China Craton
6. Eoarchean granulite-facies metamorphism in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, southwest Greenland
7. Seismicity zoning at Coso geothermal field and stress changes from fluid production and migration
8. Anomalously high relief on Denali, Alaska, caused by tectonic, lithologic, and climatic drivers
9. Metasedimentary “carbon filter” and its implication for subduction zone carbon recycling
10. New weak fault model that does not require high pore pressure
11. Barium isotopes constrain the triggering mechanism of the Cretaceous OAE 2 in the Neotethys Ocean
12. Evidence suggesting that earth had a ring in the Ordovician
13. Rheological arrest vs. rapid growth of bubbles in crystal-rich magma
14. Kinematic vorticity of shear zones that accommodate vertical crustal advection: Implications for metamorphic core complexes and pluton emplacement
15. Historic ocean acidification of Loch Sween revealed by correlative geochemical imaging and high-resolution boron isotope analysis of <em>Boreolithothamniom</em> cf. <em>soriferum</em>
16. Geological investigation of the lunar Apollo basin: From surface composition to interior structure
17. Eocene climate and hydrology of eastern Asia controlled by orbital forcing and Tibetan Plateau uplift
18. Interplay and feedback between tectonic regime, faulting, sealing horizons, and fluid flow in a hydrocarbon-hosting extensional basin: The Val d'Agri Basin case, Southern Italy
19. Silicon isotope compositions of chondritic components: Insights into early disk processes
20. The effects of trivalent cations (Al and Fe) on the grain growth rates of bridgmanite
21. Structure and transport properties of FeS at planetary core conditions
22. A threshold in submarine channel curvature explains erosion rate and type
23. Constraining the evaporative loss of zinc during impact processes using terrestrial impact glasses
24. Hydraulically linked reservoirs simultaneously fed the 1975–1984 Krafla Fires eruptions: Insights from petrochemistry
25. Neogene surface uplift of the Lunpola Basin in Central Tibet: Implications for uplifting and flattening of orogenic plateaus
26. Bayesian frameworks for integrating petrologic and geochronologic data
27. Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian–early Campanian (103–82 Ma)
28. Evolution of rift faulting in incipient, magma-poor divergent plate boundaries: New insights from the Okavango-Makgadikgadi Rift Zone, Botswana
29. Long-term evolution of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica: Insights from 74-year observations and 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic tsunami-induced calving
30. Thickness of Pluto's Ice Shell from elastic deformation of the Sputnik Planitia forebulge: Response to infill load or vestige of impact event?
31. Revised timing of rapid exhumation in the West Qinling: Implications for geodynamics of Oligocene-Miocene Tibetan plateau outward expansion
32. Footwall refrigeration versus footwall hydration: Reassessing steep thermal gradients below detachment faults with <em>in situ</em> SIMS oxygen isotope analysis
33. Phosphorus flux during the Ediacaran: Rooted in continental weathering or pelagic upwelling?
34. The helium and carbon isotopic signature of Ocean island basalts: Insights from Fogo volcano (Cape Verde archipelago)
35. Partial melting of arclogite and petrogenesis of alkaline-silicate complexes
36. New evidence from the Paleoproterozoic Gunflint Iron Formation for microbially-driven, early diagenetic precipitation of siderite
37. Limited arc magmatism and seismicity due to extensive mantle wedge serpentinization in the Makran subduction zone
38. The reduced alloy in Earth's upper mantle: Experimental constraints on Fe-Ni-S-C(-O) melt compositions and deep mantle oxygen fugacity (5–16 GPa)
39. Contrasting dynamics of marine bacterial-algal communities between the two main pulses of the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
40. Lithospheric rheology in West Tibet and Pamir constrained from the postseismic deformation of the 2005 Mw7.6 Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake
41. A benthic source of isotopically heavy Ni from continental margins and implications for global ocean Ni isotope mass balance
42. Magma solidification effects during sill emplacement: Insights from laboratory experiments
43. Editorial Board
44. A failed search for concordancy across multiple isotopic systems in lunar impactites: Implications for testing the Late Heavy Bombardment hypothesis
更新于 55 分钟前

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-09-17 Rubidium isotopes reveal dehydration and melting of the subducting slab beneath the Mariana arc
2024-09-17 Insights into the last 100 ky of geomagnetic field variability using numerical dynamo simulations
2024-09-16 The very late-stage crystallization of the lunar magma ocean and the composition of immiscible urKREEP
2024-09-16 Low-velocity middle-and-lower crustal materials blocked by the red river fault in the SE margin of the Tibetan plateau
2024-09-16 Rise of mantle oxidation by Neoarchean subduction in the North China Craton
2024-09-15 Eoarchean granulite-facies metamorphism in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, southwest Greenland
2024-09-15 Seismicity zoning at Coso geothermal field and stress changes from fluid production and migration
2024-09-15 Anomalously high relief on Denali, Alaska, caused by tectonic, lithologic, and climatic drivers
2024-09-15 Metasedimentary “carbon filter” and its implication for subduction zone carbon recycling
2024-09-15 New weak fault model that does not require high pore pressure
2024-09-12 Barium isotopes constrain the triggering mechanism of the Cretaceous OAE 2 in the Neotethys Ocean
2024-09-12 Evidence suggesting that earth had a ring in the Ordovician
2024-09-12 Rheological arrest vs. rapid growth of bubbles in crystal-rich magma
2024-09-12 Kinematic vorticity of shear zones that accommodate vertical crustal advection: Implications for metamorphic core complexes and pluton emplacement
2024-09-10 Historic ocean acidification of Loch Sween revealed by correlative geochemical imaging and high-resolution boron isotope analysis of <em>Boreolithothamniom</em> cf. <em>soriferum</em>
2024-09-09 Geological investigation of the lunar Apollo basin: From surface composition to interior structure
2024-09-09 Editorial Board
2024-09-08 Eocene climate and hydrology of eastern Asia controlled by orbital forcing and Tibetan Plateau uplift
2024-09-08 Interplay and feedback between tectonic regime, faulting, sealing horizons, and fluid flow in a hydrocarbon-hosting extensional basin: The Val d'Agri Basin case, Southern Italy
2024-09-08 Silicon isotope compositions of chondritic components: Insights into early disk processes
2024-09-07 The effects of trivalent cations (Al and Fe) on the grain growth rates of bridgmanite
2024-09-07 Structure and transport properties of FeS at planetary core conditions
2024-09-07 A threshold in submarine channel curvature explains erosion rate and type
2024-09-05 Constraining the evaporative loss of zinc during impact processes using terrestrial impact glasses
2024-09-04 Hydraulically linked reservoirs simultaneously fed the 1975–1984 Krafla Fires eruptions: Insights from petrochemistry
2024-09-04 Neogene surface uplift of the Lunpola Basin in Central Tibet: Implications for uplifting and flattening of orogenic plateaus
2024-09-04 Bayesian frameworks for integrating petrologic and geochronologic data
2024-09-04 Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian–early Campanian (103–82 Ma)
2024-09-03 Evolution of rift faulting in incipient, magma-poor divergent plate boundaries: New insights from the Okavango-Makgadikgadi Rift Zone, Botswana
2024-09-03 Long-term evolution of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica: Insights from 74-year observations and 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic tsunami-induced calving
2024-09-03 A failed search for concordancy across multiple isotopic systems in lunar impactites: Implications for testing the Late Heavy Bombardment hypothesis
2024-09-01 Thickness of Pluto's Ice Shell from elastic deformation of the Sputnik Planitia forebulge: Response to infill load or vestige of impact event?
2024-09-01 Revised timing of rapid exhumation in the West Qinling: Implications for geodynamics of Oligocene-Miocene Tibetan plateau outward expansion
2024-09-01 Footwall refrigeration versus footwall hydration: Reassessing steep thermal gradients below detachment faults with <em>in situ</em> SIMS oxygen isotope analysis
2024-08-31 Phosphorus flux during the Ediacaran: Rooted in continental weathering or pelagic upwelling?
2024-08-31 Editorial Board
2024-08-29 Partial melting of arclogite and petrogenesis of alkaline-silicate complexes
2024-08-29 New evidence from the Paleoproterozoic Gunflint Iron Formation for microbially-driven, early diagenetic precipitation of siderite
2024-08-29 Limited arc magmatism and seismicity due to extensive mantle wedge serpentinization in the Makran subduction zone
2024-08-29 The reduced alloy in Earth's upper mantle: Experimental constraints on Fe-Ni-S-C(-O) melt compositions and deep mantle oxygen fugacity (5–16 GPa)
2024-08-28 Contrasting dynamics of marine bacterial-algal communities between the two main pulses of the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
2024-08-28 Lithospheric rheology in West Tibet and Pamir constrained from the postseismic deformation of the 2005 Mw7.6 Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake
2024-08-28 A benthic source of isotopically heavy Ni from continental margins and implications for global ocean Ni isotope mass balance
2024-08-24 Magma solidification effects during sill emplacement: Insights from laboratory experiments
2024-08-23 The helium and carbon isotopic signature of Ocean island basalts: Insights from Fogo volcano (Cape Verde archipelago)
2024-08-23 Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement
2024-08-22 The impact of climate on relief in the northern Japanese Alps within the past 1 Myr–The case of the Tateyama mountains
2024-08-22 Topography of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath the Tibetan plateau and adjacent areas
2024-08-22 Spatiotemporal dominance of afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation revealed by four decades of post-1973 Luhuo earthquake observations
2024-08-22 Successful subduction of oceanic plate after failed attempts in the Late Archean: Petrological and geochemical constraints
2024-08-21 Changing shape of mantle heterogeneity by melt migration beneath mid-ocean ridges
2024-08-21 Deccan volcanism's influence on Chicxulub impact signatures at the continental Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Sichuan Basin, China
2024-08-21 The role of deformation on the early crystallization and rheology of basaltic liquids
2024-08-21 Insights into water mass change in the Yangtze River Basin from the spectral integration of GNSS and GRACE observations
2024-08-21 Previously unrecognized, 1000 km-long Qixiang Co fault governs eastward escape of central Tibet
2024-08-21 Extremely large Cl isotopic fractionation in Chang'e-5 impact glass beads
2024-08-21 Seismotectonic segmentation controlled by magmatic underplating in the central-southern segment of Tanlu fault zone, eastern China
2024-08-21 Pulsed fluid release from subducting slabs caused by a scale-invariant dehydration process
2024-08-20 Earth's longest lava flows erupted from its largest igneous province: The submarine Ontong Java Plateau
2024-08-16 Deciphering interseismic strain accumulation and its termination on the central-eastern Altyn Tagh fault from high-resolution velocity fields
2024-08-15 Monitoring crack opening via seismic velocity variation to assess that fatal effect of precipitation for landslide motion
2024-08-15 Editorial Board
2024-08-14 Rhenium Isotope Reconnaissance of Uranium Ore Concentrates
2024-08-14 Spatial and temporal variations of seismic azimuthal anisotropy following the 2019 ridgecrest earthquake sequence in southern california
2024-08-11 Effects of layered roof for stability and exploration of lunar lava tubes
2024-08-10 Source characteristics of the 2006 Pingtung earthquake doublet off southern Taiwan and the possible contribution of submarine landslides to the Tsunami
2024-08-10 Lunar mantle composition and timing of overturn indicated by Mg# and mineralogy distributions across the South Pole-Aitken basin
2024-08-08 Tracking quartz and zircon provenance in sedimentary rocks using Ti distributions: Unlocking the volcanic-plutonic connection in old igneous systems
2024-08-08 Crustal-mantle layering deposits in the Von Kármán crater, South Pole-Aitken basin
2024-08-05 Sediment remobilization over subaqueous sand waves: In-situ observation in the northern South China Sea
2024-08-05 Bottom Ekman transport drives transverse flows to shape contourite moat and drift systems
2024-08-04 Sediment geochemistry reveals abundant off-axis hydrothermal fields on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
2024-07-31 A Bayesian age from dispersed plagioclase and zircon dates in the Los Chocoyos ash, Central America
2024-07-28 Strength of continental lithosphere governed by the time since the last orogeny
2024-07-28 L-chondrite body breakup in Ordovician strata in China - A time tie point globally and across the inner solar system
2024-07-27 Ultramafic melt viscosity: A model
2024-07-27 Exhumation of ultra-high pressure (UHP) rocks modulated by rifted margin-subduction feedback: Implications for their preservation in old collisional orogens
2024-07-27 A seawater origin for greenalite in iron formation
2024-07-27 Reversal in estuarine sand supply driven by Holocene sea level rise: A model for sand transport in large structural estuaries, San Francisco Bay, California, USA
2024-07-27 Loading-induced stress variation on active faults and seismicity modulation in the Kuril Islands-Japan region
2024-07-27 Were Neoarchean atmospheric methane hazes and early Paleoproterozoic glaciations driven by the rise of oxygen in surface environments?
2024-07-27 Role of syn-magmatic strain localization in oceanic detachment faulting at ultraslow-spreading ridges
2024-07-26 Impact of riverine sediment mineralogy on seawater Nd isotope compositions in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean during the last two glacial cycles
2024-07-26 Unraveling the tectonic evolution of the Andean hinterland (Argentina and Chile, 30°S) using multi-sample thermal history models
2024-07-26 Editorial Board
2024-07-25 Mantle deformation in the highly oblique indo-burma subduction system inferred from shear wave splitting measurements
2024-07-25 Atypical crustal structure of the Makran subduction zone and seismotectonic implications
2024-07-24 Vanadium isotope fractionation during plutonic differentiation and implications for the isotopic composition of the upper continental crust
2024-07-24 Overlapping hotspot tracks and melts from diffuse plume materials in the upper mantle generated intraplate seamount groups in the West Pacific
2024-07-23 Subduction-driven mantle flow beneath active back-arc basins inferred from seismic anisotropy tomography
2024-07-23 Revisiting zircon Eu anomaly as a proxy for crustal thickness: A case study of the Sierra Nevada Batholith
2024-07-22 Induced seismicity and surface deformation associated with long-term and abrupt geothermal operations in Blue Mountain, Nevada
2024-07-21 Global variability of the composition and temperature at the 410-km discontinuity from receiver function analysis of dense arrays
2024-07-21 Fast, furious, and gassy: Etna's explosive eruption from the mantle
2024-07-21 Recurrent marine anoxia in the Paleo-Tethys linked to constriction of seaways during the Early Triassic
2024-07-20 Mimas: A middle-aged moon of Saturn?
2024-07-19 Diverse source materials contributed to a secular increase in δ<sup>18</sup>O for the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic A<sub>2</sub>-type granites
2024-07-17 Fault structure and earthquake clustering in Aswan region (Egypt) revealed by high-precision earthquake location from 35 years of recorded natural and induced seismicity
2024-07-17 Calcium isotope evidence of increased carbonate saturation state during the Frasnian–Famennian boundary event
2024-07-17 Impacts of an active Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation on the Pliocene climate and hydrological cycle

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