ScienceDaily ‧ Latest Science News
1. A new species of extinct crocodile relative rewrites life on the Triassic coastline
2. Prime editing efficiently corrects cystic fibrosis mutation in human lung cells
3. Planted mangroves' ability to store carbon
4. Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation
5. Major trial looks at most effective speech therapy for people with Parkinson's disease
6. A new twist on artificial 'muscles' for safer, softer robots
7. Pumpkin disease not evolving, could make a difference for management
8. Cirrhosis affects twice as many transgender adults as cisgender adults, study finds
9. Greater focus needed on how existing international law can prevent the increasing militarization of outer space
10. Chronic allergic disorder EoE's rising incidence in Japan confirmed by large-scale data analysis
11. Atlas of proteins reveals inner workings of cells
12. Discovery of a new defense mechanism in bacteria
13. Mozambican Woodlands could store more than double the carbon previously estimated
14. Research reveals the most complete dinosaur discovered in the UK in a century
15. Not so simple: Mosses and ferns offer new hope for crop protection
16. Wolves' return has had only small impact on deer populations in NE Washington
17. The origins of dark comets
18. The Gulf Stream is wind-powered and could weaken from climate change
19. Discovery could help reduce adverse side effects of popular next-generation obesity medications
20. The molecule that could alleviate stroke-related brain injury
21. Scientists discover a cause of lupus and a possible way to reverse it
22. Big gain in battle against harmful bacteria
23. Strong evidence for intermediate-mass black hole in Omega Centauri
24. Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layer
25. Researchers listen to the hearts of bats in flight
26. Archaeologists report earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa
27. Exercise brain boost can last for years
28. Found with Webb: A potentially habitable icy world
29. Stem cell-derived therapy shows promise against treatment-resistant liver cancer
30. Study examines tree adaptability to climate change
31. Study points at novel approach to treat Group 3 medulloblastoma
32. Could a dietary fiber supplement offer long-awaited treatment for food allergy sufferers?
33. Researchers examine economic effects on technological advancements of blue hydrogen production
34. Researchers introduce generative AI for databases
35. Delaying diabetes with diet and exercise for four years results in better long-term health
36. New one-step method to make multiple edits to a cell's genome
37. Moving from the visible to the infrared: Developing high quality nanocrystals
38. Implantable LED device uses light to treat deep-seated cancers
39. Building materials for water-rich planets in the early solar system
40. First local extinction in the US due to sea level rise, study suggests
41. Pinpointing coal plants to convert to nuclear energy, considering both practicality and community support
42. Researchers identify cause of serious brain bleeding condition in premature newborns
43. Groundbreaking study reveals oceanic seabirds chase tropical cyclones
44. How a plant app helps identify the consequences of climate change
45. Hepatitis C leaves 'scars' in immune cells even after successful treatment
46. Nerve damage from breast cancer treatment can be predicted
47. Mining rare earth metals from electronic waste
48. Ancient large kangaroo moved mainly on four legs, according to new research
49. Run screaming or slow retreat? New study advances understanding of brain responses to emotionally-charged scenes
50. Brain neurotransmitter receptor antagonist found to prevent opioid addiction in mice
51. Trust, more than knowledge, critical for acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles
52. Key electronic device developed for the massive arrival of 6G networks
53. Study finds 1 in 12 patients labeled as having 'benign' results actually had high-risk prostate cancer
54. Return-to-work programs may have a hidden cost to women, according to study
55. Life underground suited newly discovered dinosaur fine
56. Detecting defects in tomorrow's technology
57. Researchers fabricate ultrastrong aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing
58. It takes a cool microscope and antifreeze to really look at ice
59. Scientists exploring potential new treatments for glioblastoma
60. Engine wear risk as planes swallow more dust waiting to land
更新于 2024-07-11

近期历史最近 100 条记录

2024-07-11 A new species of extinct crocodile relative rewrites life on the Triassic coastline
2024-07-11 Planted mangroves' ability to store carbon
2024-07-11 A new twist on artificial 'muscles' for safer, softer robots
2024-07-11 Pumpkin disease not evolving, could make a difference for management
2024-07-11 Greater focus needed on how existing international law can prevent the increasing militarization of outer space
2024-07-11 Mozambican Woodlands could store more than double the carbon previously estimated
2024-07-11 Research reveals the most complete dinosaur discovered in the UK in a century
2024-07-11 Not so simple: Mosses and ferns offer new hope for crop protection
2024-07-11 Wolves' return has had only small impact on deer populations in NE Washington
2024-07-11 The origins of dark comets
2024-07-11 The Gulf Stream is wind-powered and could weaken from climate change
2024-07-11 Strong evidence for intermediate-mass black hole in Omega Centauri
2024-07-11 Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layer
2024-07-11 Archaeologists report earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa
2024-07-11 Found with Webb: A potentially habitable icy world
2024-07-11 Study examines tree adaptability to climate change
2024-07-11 Researchers examine economic effects on technological advancements of blue hydrogen production
2024-07-11 Moving from the visible to the infrared: Developing high quality nanocrystals
2024-07-11 Building materials for water-rich planets in the early solar system
2024-07-11 First local extinction in the US due to sea level rise, study suggests
2024-07-11 Pinpointing coal plants to convert to nuclear energy, considering both practicality and community support
2024-07-11 Groundbreaking study reveals oceanic seabirds chase tropical cyclones
2024-07-11 How a plant app helps identify the consequences of climate change
2024-07-11 Mining rare earth metals from electronic waste
2024-07-11 Ancient large kangaroo moved mainly on four legs, according to new research
2024-07-11 Run screaming or slow retreat? New study advances understanding of brain responses to emotionally-charged scenes
2024-07-11 Trust, more than knowledge, critical for acceptance of fully autonomous vehicles
2024-07-11 Key electronic device developed for the massive arrival of 6G networks
2024-07-11 Return-to-work programs may have a hidden cost to women, according to study
2024-07-11 Life underground suited newly discovered dinosaur fine
2024-07-11 Researchers fabricate ultrastrong aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing
2024-07-11 It takes a cool microscope and antifreeze to really look at ice
2024-07-11 Engine wear risk as planes swallow more dust waiting to land
2024-07-11 Prime editing efficiently corrects cystic fibrosis mutation in human lung cells jdmark
2024-07-11 Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation
2024-07-11 Major trial looks at most effective speech therapy for people with Parkinson's disease
2024-07-11 Chronic allergic disorder EoE's rising incidence in Japan confirmed by large-scale data analysis
2024-07-11 Atlas of proteins reveals inner workings of cells
2024-07-11 Discovery of a new defense mechanism in bacteria
2024-07-11 Scientists exploring potential new treatments for glioblastoma
2024-07-11 Cirrhosis affects twice as many transgender adults as cisgender adults, study finds
2024-07-11 Discovery could help reduce adverse side effects of popular next-generation obesity medications
2024-07-11 Study finds 1 in 12 patients labeled as having 'benign' results actually had high-risk prostate cancer
2024-07-11 Scientists discover a cause of lupus and a possible way to reverse it
2024-07-11 The molecule that could alleviate stroke-related brain injury
2024-07-11 Big gain in battle against harmful bacteria
2024-07-11 Researchers listen to the hearts of bats in flight
2024-07-11 Exercise brain boost can last for years
2024-07-11 Stem cell-derived therapy shows promise against treatment-resistant liver cancer
2024-07-11 Study points at novel approach to treat Group 3 medulloblastoma
2024-07-11 Could a dietary fiber supplement offer long-awaited treatment for food allergy sufferers?
2024-07-11 Researchers introduce generative AI for databases
2024-07-11 New one-step method to make multiple edits to a cell's genome
2024-07-11 Delaying diabetes with diet and exercise for four years results in better long-term health
2024-07-11 Implantable LED device uses light to treat deep-seated cancers
2024-07-11 Researchers identify cause of serious brain bleeding condition in premature newborns
2024-07-11 Hepatitis C leaves 'scars' in immune cells even after successful treatment
2024-07-11 Nerve damage from breast cancer treatment can be predicted
2024-07-11 Detecting defects in tomorrow's technology
2024-07-11 Brain neurotransmitter receptor antagonist found to prevent opioid addiction in mice
2023-05-08 Exciton fission: One photon in, two electrons out
2023-05-08 Archaea in a warming climate become less diverse, more predictable
2023-05-08 Single approach on wild horses
2023-05-08 Scientists capture elusive chemical reaction using enhanced X-ray method
2023-05-08 Researchers create a tool for accurately simulating complex systems
2023-05-08 Scurrying centipedes inspire many-legged robots that can traverse difficult landscapes
2023-05-08 Viewing art can improve our mood and well-being
2023-05-08 Quantum lidar prototype acquires real-time 3D images while fully submerged underwater
2023-05-08 Chemical signal protects migratory locusts from cannibalism
2023-05-08 New clues about the rise of Earth's continents
2023-05-08 Scientists begin to unravel global role of atmospheric dust in nourishing oceans
2023-05-08 Researchers develop manual for engineering spin dynamics in nanomagnets
2023-05-08 Researchers use generative AI to design novel proteins
2023-05-08 How seaweed has been misleading scientists about reef health
2023-05-08 Biofortification of microgreens with zinc could mitigate global 'hidden hunger'
2023-05-08 Researchers develop an additive to efficiently improve the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells
2023-05-08 Married couples who merge finances may be happier, stay together longer
2023-05-08 The future of data storage lies in DNA microcapsules
2023-05-08 New guidance to help diagnose hoarding disorder
2023-05-08 Scientists discover how mutations in a language gene produce speech deficits
2023-05-08 Neutron star's X-rays reveal 'photon metamorphosis'
2023-05-08 Hubble follows shadow play around planet-forming disk
2023-05-08 Research reveals longstanding cultural continuity at oldest occupied site in West Africa
2023-05-08 Vanishing glaciers threaten alpine biodiversity
2023-05-08 Quan­tum com­puter in reverse gear
2023-05-08 Chimpanzees combine calls to communicate new meaning
2023-05-08 Marine seagrass meadows show resilience to 'bounce back' after die-offs
2023-05-08 How is sleep affected by changing clocks and seasons?
2023-05-08 Frenchman mountain dolostone: 500 million-year-old grand canyon rock layer finally gets a name
2023-05-08 Do your homework to prep for the 2023 and 2024 eclipses
2023-05-08 New catalyst transforms carbon dioxide into sustainable byproduct
2023-05-08 'Devastating' fungal infections wiping out crops and threatening global food security, experts warn
2023-05-08 Why do Champagne bubbles rise the way they do? Scientists' new discovery is worthy of a toast
2023-05-08 Astronomers spot a star swallowing a planet
2023-05-08 Scientists recover an ancient woman's DNA from a 20,000-year-old pendant
2023-05-08 New tusk-analysis techniques reveal surging testosterone in male woolly mammoths
2023-05-08 Predict what a mouse sees by decoding brain signals
2023-05-08 Archaeologists map hidden NT landscape where first Australians lived more than 60,000 years ago docmechanic
2023-05-08 Smart surgical implant coatings provide early failure warning while preventing infection
2023-05-08 Scientist uncovers roots of antibiotic resistance

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